
Disclaimer :

The information provided by iFRAGRANCE INDIA on our e-commerce website (www.ifragranceindia.com) and through Social Media Channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. You should not use our site or advice within to treat health conditions or to self-diagnose. We recommend that you consult your medical practitioner or health consultant. if you have any health concerns whatsoever.

The essential oils and perfume oils are NOT for consumption. No liability will be assumed by IFRAGRANCE INDIA or its employees, shareholders or affiliates for any claims arising out of the misuse or otherwise of Perfume oils and essential oils or any other product sold or manufactured by IFRAGRANCE INDIA in the market. If you have any health problems or are taking any medication you should seek advice from your healthcare provider prior to using aromatherapy. We would also advise that you make an appointment with a local aroma therapist who will be able to take a full case history and offer you tailored treatment advice.

Safety Advice :

Essential oils are highly concentrated, powerful liquids. Please keep all essential oils, perfume oils and fragrance products out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, have heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes, or have any medical condition that can be affected by essential oils or fragrances. They can be toxic if used incorrectly. The way you handle and use essential oils is very important. Please seek the advice of a health professional before using any essential oils or fragrances.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website..

** IFRAGRANCE INDIA make no warranty, express or implied of merchantability or fitness of any product for a particular use or purpose..

**No responsibility by IFRAGRANCE INDIA, it's employees, shareholders or affiliates, is taken for the misuse in any way of the information provided in this website..