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Research & Development


Testing & research play a major role in the production of natural essential oils and fragrances. The end product has to meet exact quality standards.

Due to our insatiable thirst for the quality, we carry quality checks at all stages right from the procurement of the raw material to storage of the products. These quality checks involve checking the bulk density, optical rotation, and refractive index and gas chromatographic & organoleptic evaluation.

Our company is well equipped with modern RD and QC facilities. We have own manufacturing plant for distilling Natural Essential Oils, Spice Oils etc. Armed with these facilities along with a skilled force enables the company to design a process and to implement strict quality control protocols. Hence iFRAGRANCE INDIA products are of most reliable quality. The uniqueness of iFRAGRANCE INDIA’s Essential Oil is that, it is 100% natural and completely free from Phthalate & Allergen .

This gives iFRAGRANCE INDIA, the ability to respond efficiently and effectively to the ever changing requirements of the Customer-driven economies of the modern world.

iFRAGRANCE INDIA prides itself on its innovative approach to the Floral Extracts markets of today, and offers a flexible and highly skilled absolutes and essential oils facility for all types of applications.

This approach enables iFRAGRANCE INDIA to perform in an effective and Customer orientated manner and, together with its quality commitment, is proving more and more successful by the day.

iFRAGRANCE INDIA creates Floral Oils from an enchanting aura of passion and romance, while maintaining the highest degree of quality assurance standards. These truly out of the ordinary aromatic creations offer a refreshingly unique approach to the art of fine fragrance development. From a molecular perspective, an floral oils is virtually the primordial fragrance of an aromatic plant. In a poetic sense, an emanation is the DNA aroma, with no coating of waxes and pigments. This understanding is an invitation to contemplate the soul of the plants in a new light.