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Buy High Quality White Tea Absolute : Natural & Organic Product

Price: $5.00

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Absolutes OilsProducts

Quick overview of Pure White Tea Absolute

White Tea Absolute Oil is derived from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, a genus of Camellia through solvent extraction method. Leaves and leaf bud of Camellia sinensis plant are widely used to produce tea. Possessing sweet delicate herbaceous and woody notes, this absolute oil is widely used in aromatherapy.


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Price: $5.00


White Tea Absolute Oil is derived from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, a genus of Camellia through solvent extraction method. Leaves and leaf bud of Camellia sinensis plant are widely used to produce tea. Possessing sweet delicate herbaceous and woody notes, this absolute oil is widely used in aromatherapy. It has also proven beneficial for skin distresses and in stopping the growth of cells that cause cancer. White tea is a light absolute that is easily accessed in the top notes of a perfume as it is light in aroma. Its harmonizing abilities also lend themselves beautifully to Citruses, Clary Sage, Violet Leaf and Palmarosa. Further, when added to Palmarosa, it creates an even fresher and more lemonade like quality that has uplifting aroma that helps to lift up a heavier men's base of sages, cedars or tobaccos.

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